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Astronergy Solar Party makes more possible for Italian solar market
10 -17 2023   1777views

Sooner after the ZeroEmission Mediterranean exhibition, Astronergy landed a Solar Party event in Rome, Italy on October 12th, with idea sharing on its products for the local market and results in promoting its sustainability strategy with practising cases of zero carbon factory.

With an accelerated expansion path, Astronergy keeps spreading its frontier tech and sustainability strategy worldwide through the Solar Party events, which aim to support partners in the PV industry, generating and spreading frontier views and insights in panel chats of experienced and senior professionals and industry insiders.

Take emphasis on clean and net-zero carbon production, Astronergy is accelerating low-carbon upgrades for factories and promises to achieve carbon neutrality in operation by 2035, told Lin He, the Head of International Sales at Astronergy.

As a green energy enterprise, Lin He added, Astronergy is not only continuously boosting its PV tech advancement for higher efficiency and higher reliability products, but also insists on offering greener methods for all for safer and greener electricity.

During the event, Ibrahim Elsaid, Global Technical Support Manager at Astronergy, introduced the Sustainability Strategy of the company and shared the achievements and future of the company’s zero carbon factories with all attended guests.

As the third largest PV market in Europe*, Italy is becoming a vital market for Astronergy's overseas planning. With the help of this Solar Party event, Astronergy showcased its strengths to continue providing high-quality products, especially products for local commercial & industrial, and residential uses.

*Data from Italia Solare.