Astronergy - Set Up A Respectable Work Environment for All About Astronergy -  Form a Talent Team with Inclusive and Diverse Culture

Responsible operations, create positive environmental and social impacts in the value chain


Corporate governance is the core of modern corporate system and a permanent topic. It is the pivot to ensure stable business operation and scientific decision-making, and a key mechanism to breaking information barriers across stakeholders. An advanced governance structure is the guarantee of sustainable corporate operation, continuously enhancing overall corporate power and demonstrating outstanding market competitiveness.

Building a community with a shared future
  • Short-term targets (By 2028)
  • Mid- & Long-term targets (By 2035)
  • 100% management members' remuneration are linked with ESG Performance.
  • Annually - Conduct business ethics audits of all manufacturing bases
  • Annually - Conduct supplier traning on ESG performance
  • All core suppliers - Accept audits on due diligence and assessment in social, environmental aspects
  • Key Topics

    Business Ethics
    Risk Management
    Supply Chain Management
    Information Security
    Key Performance
    CSR Training
    Independent Directors
    Female Directors
    ISO Certification
    Security Incidients
    CSR Training
    Management Members’ Remuneration
    Independent Directors
    Female Directors
    ISO Certification
    Security Incidients
    Community Of A Shared Mission
    Sustainability Department
    Astronergy has set up an independent sustainability department to govern the three special working groups on environmental, social and governance to create a new competitive advantage that is green, efficient, low-carbon, and sustainable, as well as creating greater green economic benefits for society.
    Astronergy Sustainability Department