Astronergy - Set Up A Respectable Work Environment for All About Astronergy -  Form a Talent Team with Inclusive and Diverse Culture

Create a decent work environment, build an inclusive and diversified talent team

People-Oriented, Build Sustainable Homeland

Astronergy always adheres to people-oriented principle and is committed to building a harmonious, inclusive and better society. We fully protect the rights and interests of employees, create safe working environment, and provide employees with broad career development opportunities. Meanwhile, we actively carry out public welfare activities, promote the development of local communities and serve the society with concrete actions.

Sustainable Development Targets
  • Short-term targets (By 2028)
  • Mid- & Long-term targets (By 2035)
  • 85 or higher - Employee satisfaction score
  • 20 hrs or more - Training for average employee
  • 15% or lower - Technical talent turnover rate per year
  • Key Topics

    Labor & Human Rights
    Talent Training & Development
    Occupational Health & Safety
    Community Charity & Public Welfare
    Key Performance
    Forced Labor
    EHS Safety Training
    Proportion of Female Employees
    Employee Satisfaction
    Expenditure on Public Welfare
    Employee Continuing Education
    Forced Labor
    EHS Safety Training
    Proportion of Female Employees
    Employee Satisfaction
    Expenditure on Public Welfare
    Employee Continuing Education
    Employee Care - For A Harmonious Society
    Employee parent-child study activity
    On September 2, 2023, summer parent-child study activities at Astronergy bases were successfully completed. Nearly 100 employee families got access to the smart factory to explore the mysteries of PV/solar modules. The kids visited the production line and learned about PV to picture its future, awarded the certificate of Future PV Creators. Astronergy not only encourages youngsters to get inspiration from the clean energy sector for addressing climate change, but also provides a platform for employee families to engage in activities that strengthen parent-child relationships.
    Homing Activity
    Astronergy advocates cultural integration through ongoing Homing Activities, inviting overseas colleagues to China for systematic and professional training, in-depth communication with local colleagues across various departments, and immersive experiences of Chinese customs and traditions, thus promoting close communication between domestic and overseas employees.
    Public Welfare Activity
    In 2023, Astronergy was paired with the Qianjiang Village Party Building Union for volunteer activities. On October 25, the Party Branch, Youth League General Branch and Qianjiang Village Party Building Union, organized cotton picking activities, whereby over 20 employees volunteered to help cotton farmers pick cotton and the proceeds from the quilt sale activities held on January 2024 were donated to poverty-stricken residents of Qianjiang village.